MacNelly, Jeff
Information about the cartoonist, with a paintings gallery and daily helpings of his comic strip, Shoe. (hits: 821)
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Madden, Chris
Cartoons about the environment, gardening, and space. Profile, contact information and comic gallery. (hits: 636)
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Mahfood, Jim
40 oz Comics. The official site, with information on past and current projects, previews to download and some general art samples. (hits: 518)
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Mandrake, Tom
Official site. Portfolio, behind-the-scenes, merchandise, contact info, and message board. (hits: 535)
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Martin, Mark
Creator of Gnatrat and Crazy Boss. Author information, online strips, animations, collaborative games, and letters from fans who think he is a race car driver. (hits: 543)
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McGarry, Steve
Creator of the daily strips Badlands and Pop Culture, as well as many syndicated sports and entertainment features. (hits: 769)
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McGregor, Don
Cyberpad. Writer of Sabre, Zorro, Detectives Inc., Hopalong Cassidy, Ragamuffins, and Alexander Risk. (hits: 524)
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McKeever, Sean
Eisner award-nominated writer of "The Waiting Place" as well as numerous comic book titles from Marvel Comics and other publishers. (hits: 530)
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McLeod, Bob
Comic pages from a variety of Marvel and DC titles, paintings, commissioned art, profile and resume. (hits: 912)
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Indexing 83 Categories and 357 Sites
Last Update: 5-Jul-2019 - 17:07